Schmidt Slams 5 Hits for Los Cayos: There aren't many who could be pro ballplayers and there are even fewer who could put up 5 hits in a day.

Calvin Schmidt is one of those rare few, as he went 5-for-5 against the Reading Railers at Ballpark of Paradise today. The monster effort from the 23-year-old third baseman helped the Los Cayos Jellyfish take the win, 7-4.

"We made some bad pitches and he took advantage of it," said Railers manager Jamie Van Buskirk. "That's the game, though. Don't make mistakes and you'll win ballgames. Make mistakes and, well, you saw what happened today."

Calvin Schmidt hit an RBI single in the 1st, hit an RBI double in the 3rd, singled in the 5th, singled in the 7th and singled in the 9th.

Currently Schmidt is hitting .314 and has collected 17 home runs, 66 RBIs and scored 56 times, while playing in 95 games.

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