Weekly Team Power Rankings: Here are the current team power rankings for BSBL Triple A:

Teams (Total Points, Tendency):
1) Jackson Hermits (121.1, ++)
2) Wichita Aviators (120.1, o)
3) Edmonton Eskimo (116.8, +)
4) Anaheim Mice (114.5, ++)
5) Provo Gulls (110.2, -)
6) Butte Miners (108.9, --)
7) Fresno Arktos (105.9, -)
8) Santa Barbara Foresters (104.2, +)
9) St. Paul Saints (99.6, +)
10) Baton Rouge Red Sticks (99.6, --)
11) Brownsville Impact (95.3, --)
12) Memphis Chicks (94.3, +)
13) Sioux City Indians (93.3, ++)
14) Austin Chords (92.7, ++)
15) Riverside Firebolts (91.6, --)
16) Vancouver Monks (91.6, --)
17) Waco Branch Davidians (91.6, -)
18) Tacoma Thunderbirds (83.7, +)
19) Corpus Christi Hooks (77.7, -)
20) Hilo Islanders (75.8, +)
21) Reno 911s (68.5, +)
22) Amarillo Cowboys (66.1, -)
23) Ventura Oranges (17.1, o)
24) Fort Worth Falcons (12.5, o)
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