PHX-R Fireballs Guaranteed Top Spot in BSBL R1 West Division: Fans of the PHX-R Fireballs are certainly optimistic regarding their team's chances to become Rookie SOW champions, after it became official that the club has won the BSBL R1 West Division.

"I think our fans think we're the best team in the league and you know what? Our guys think the same thing," said reliever Brian Buckner. "We've got a real good chance to take this title."

It would be the 1st league championship for the club, which has won the BSBL R1 West Division for the 0 time.

The team manager said he's spent many years in pro ball, but there's "just something special" about his current group of players.

"This team has got what it takes to be a champion," he said.
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