Premier Player Named by Americas Baseball League: The manager of the Belo Horizonte Jaguars said he thinks Elvin Hoskins is only going to get better as he gets older.

He may only be 23, but it will be hard to top the center fielder's 2147 campaign, as he has been named the winner of the Americas Baseball League Position Player of the Year Award.

His winning campaign featured a .301 batting average and a .365 on-base percentage this year. In 125 games he piled up 132 hits, 30 doubles, 2 triples, 7 home runs, 47 RBIs and 65 runs scored.

He received 13 first place votes out of a possible 20. Pedro Flores of the Houston Rodeo finished second in voting with 5 first place votes, while Yoshihito Sekine of the Grand Rapids Growlers finished third with 2 first place votes.

Player - Team - First Place - Total Points
Elvin Hoskins - Belo Horizonte Jaguars - 13 - 236
Pedro Flores - Houston Rodeo - 5 - 169
Yoshihito Sekine - Grand Rapids Growlers - 2 - 148
Jon Wooddisse - Belo Horizonte Jaguars - 0 - 145
Tai Khuc - Ecatapec Aztecs - 0 - 142
Gabir Tareen - Fresno Stars - 0 - 58
Siad Peponi - Belo Horizonte Jaguars - 0 - 57
Cristian Trufasu - Houston Rodeo - 0 - 53
James Weatherhead - Santiago Caballeros - 0 - 42
Mart�n Gonz�lez - Houston Rodeo - 0 - 24
Urtilan Cheromei - Ecatapec Aztecs - 0 - 21
Pedro Vilz�n - Ecatapec Aztecs - 0 - 15
Jacob Chandler - Santiago Caballeros - 0 - 11
Din Khokhar - Curitiba Toucans - 0 - 11
Charlie Reynolds - Grand Rapids Growlers - 0 - 11
Lysander Bilias - Ecatapec Aztecs - 0 - 10
Matt Davis - Granma Alazanes - 0 - 9
Juli�n Carrasco - Houston Rodeo - 0 - 6
Dae-hee Kim - Ecatapec Aztecs - 0 - 6
Anacleto Cavilhas - Fresno Stars - 0 - 3
Od�lio Pilar - Gary Smokestacks - 0 - 2
Jaya Rais - Gary Smokestacks - 0 - 1
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