Jaguars Cruise to R World Series with Sweep: The Recife Jaguars appear poised to make a serious run at the R World Series after a convincing sweep over the South Bend Leprechauns in the League Championship Series.

It's now on to the R World Series for Recife, who won the final game 5-2 and took the series 3-0.

"Everyone's doing their part and things are falling into place," said Recife right fielder Khayri bin Mustafa, who was named series MVP. "It feels like a special year."

For the series, bin Mustafa hit .500 with a .636 on-base percentage. He had 1 home runs, drove in 4 RBI and scored 3 runs.

The Recife Jaguars don't know who they will face in the next round. They will play the winner of the Naples Naturals - Kisumu Cheetahs series. That series is tied at 2 games apiece. The R World Series schedule will be announced after the League Championship Series finishes.
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