Lawton and Lindblad Suspended for Free-for-All: Yesterday at Ross Wells Ball Park Matt Lawton and Paul Lindblad got into each other's space and then into each other's face. They began to grapple and fell to the ground. That's when it boiled over into a full-fledged bench-clearing tussle between the Moose Jaw Robin Hoods and Mineola Black Spiders. Reason finally prevailed as the umpires restored order. After much discussion, only the two major combatants were ejected from the game.

Today the league office notified the ballclubs that Lawton will have to sit out 6 while Lindblad would be given a 12-game suspension for their roles in the brawl.

This year Lawton is batting .280 with 58 hits and 17 home runs. He has scored 44 times and has batted in 51 runs.

To this point in the season Lindblad has no wins and 5 losses and a 8.84 ERA.
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