Martinez on Fire: 5-for-5 for Toronto: The Toronto Maple Leafs upended the San Antonio Missions at SkyDome today, thanks in large part to right fielder J. D. Martinez, who had a smashing day with the bat, racking up 5 hits in 5 at-bats. His big effort helped propel the Maple Leafs to a 9-0 victory. J. D. Martinez singled in the 1st, hit a three-run home run off Mike F McCormick in the 3rd, singled in the 4th, hit a solo-shot off Lee Dashner in the 6th and singled in the 8th.

In 40 games this year Martinez has posted a .270 average and put up these numbers: 8 home runs, 22 RBIs and 18 runs scored.
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