GONE! GONE! GONE! 3 HRs for Bigbee: Pine Bluff left fielder Carson Bigbee blasted three homers today at Big Top Stadium in the 13-1 Judges victory over the Green Bay Bullfrogs.

For the game, Carson Bigbee scored 3 times and knocked in 6 runs. When he hit his last home run, his teammates, hearing the crack of the bat, leaped off the bench and rushed on the field to greet the jubilant Bigbee when he reached home plate.

"It was just one game, but it sure was a lot of fun -- 4-for-4, three roundtrippers and a win," a gleeful Bigbee told BNN reporters in a postgame interview. "What a day."

Carson Bigbee singled in the 1st, hit a two-run home run off Nate Robertson in the 3rd, hit a two-run home run off Nate Robertson in the 4th, walked in the 6th and hit a two-run home run off Aaron Blair in the 8th.

Bigbee is hitting .346 this year with 27 home runs, 67 RBIs and 58 runs scored. He has 85 hits in 246 at-bats, 30 walks and a .420 on-base percentage. Bigbee has played in 65 games.
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