Giles on a Rampage, Hits for Cycle: Brian S Giles of the Dallas Longhorns helped his club in a big way today, hitting for the cycle in their 13-9 win against the Salt Lake City Trappers. The 4 hits, 1 RBI and 3 runs scored for Giles led the way for the Longhorns.

"It was just a perfect day at the ballpark," Giles said later.

Brian S Giles hit a solo-shot off Russ Kemmerer in the 1st, doubled in the 2nd, struck out in the 4th, tripled in the 6th and singled in the 8th.

In 97 games this season Giles is batting .237 with 91 hits and 25 home runs. He has scored 70 runs and driven in 64.

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