Olivares Wins AP Player of the Week Trophy: No single hit brought Francisco Olivares Player of the Week honors -- the Honolulu High Tide first baseman corralled the award with a consistent approach in every at-bat.

"Hitting is all about discipline," said Olivares. "When you lose focus, start to lunge at the ball and swing too aggressively... swinging at a lot of bad pitches... that's when your average starts to drop and you wind up fighting for playing time. You're most successful when you concentrate on the ball and make 'em throw strikes."

Concentrate he did. Olivares stroked 13 hits in 28 at-bats while cranking out 3 home runs, 9 RBIs and 6 runs scored.

Thus far this year Olivares is batting .294 with 29 home runs, 80 RBIs and 73 runs scored.
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