WCB World Relief Award Winner Named: Luis Gudino came out of the bullpen and worked through tough situations all year, and for his performance he's been named the recipient of the World Cup of Baseball World Relief Award for 2028.

The 29-year-old out of Camag�ey, Cuba captured the award with 2 saves in 4 relief appearances, 17 strikeouts in 8 innings and a record of 1 win and no losses to go with his 0.00 ERA.

"I'm thankful, it's a great honor," he told Baseball News Network.

He received 16 first place votes out of a possible 32. Manuel Vera of the Cuba finished second in voting with 14 first place votes, while David Heide of the The United States finished third with 1 first place vote.

Player - Team - First Place - Total Points
Luis Gudino - Cuba - 16 - 115
Manuel Vera - Cuba - 14 - 101
David Heide - The United States - 1 - 39
Raidel Orta - Cuba - 1 - 24
Alfredo Medina - Venezuela - 0 - 8
Giovanny Gallegos - Mexico - 0 - 1
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