Ravens Stop Guariento at 22: Quentin Guariento%2C first baseman for the Rotterdam Rams%2C gave it a good try%2C but his day in history finally came to an end%2C when he went hitless in 4 tries against the Stuttgart Ravens. Not only had they stopped his 22-game hitting streak%2C they had beaten Rotterdam 11-2%2C too.%0A%0ASpeaking with the media after the game%2C Guariento said%2C %22Now that the streak has ended%2C I admit I will breathe a bit easier the next time I step up to bat. It was tough because I put a little pressure on myself. Now that it%27s over%2C I will definitely be a little bit looser at the plate.%22%0A%0ATo date%2C Guariento has collected 40 hits for a .381 average. He has posted no home runs%2C scored 19 runs and driven in 5 runs.
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