Gladiators Stop Niemeyer at 35: After 35 games%2C Moritz Niemeyer had his hitting streak ended abruptly today by Rome at Ballpark. The Reds catcher failed to get a hit in 4 at-bats and his brief fling with fame has come to a halt. But Niemeyer seemed to care less -- it didn%27t matter as Milan took a 8-0 victory from the Gladiators.%0A%0ANiemeyer didn%27t dwell on the streak saying%2C %22It was good while it lasted. If it had to end%2C I%27m glad it ended with a victory.%22%0A%0AFor the season%2C Niemeyer is hitting at a .519 clip with 11 home runs%2C 165 RBIs and has scored 135 runs. He has 162 hits%2C 25 walks and a .555 on-base percentage.
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