Germ%EF%BF%BDn Romero Captures MSL Award: When it came to hitting the baseball%2C Germ%EF%BF%BDn Romero was in a class by himself in the Midwest League this past week. Nobody did it better.%0A%0AThe outstanding catcher for Plumstead tagged opposing pitchers for a .467 average and was voted the Player of the Week Award. Included in his stats were 14 hits in 30 at-bats%2C 2 homers%2C 6 runs scored and 8 RBIs.%0A%0ARomero is currently batting .349 with 2 home runs%2C 17 RBIs and 10 runs scored. He has 30 hits in 86 at-bats.%0A
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