Houk Goes 5-for-5: There aren%27t many who could be pro ballplayers and there are even fewer who could put up 5 hits in a day.%0A%0AWillie Houk is one of those rare few%2C as he went 5-for-5 against the Santa Fe Diablos at Pecan Pit today.The monster effort from the 28-year-old third baseman helped the Salem Silver Souls take the win%2C 16-10. %0A%0A%22We made some bad pitches and he took advantage of it%2C%22 said Diablos manager Ernesto Rivera. %22That%27s the game%2C though. Don%27t make mistakes and you%27ll win ballgames. Make mistakes and%2C well%2C you saw what happened today.%22 %0A%0AWillie Houk hit a two-run home run off Wayne Walker in the 2nd%2C singled in the 3rd%2C doubled in the 5th%2C hit a solo-shot off Jacob Bryant in the 7th and hit a two-run home run off Jacob Bryant in the 8th.%0A%0A%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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