Ridin%27 High%3A Nakamura Hits for Cycle: Soshu Nakamura accomplished one of the rarer feats in baseball today when he hit for the cycle against the Indiana Hounds in the 10-1 Havana Rollers win at County Stadium.%0A%0AAfterward%2C Nakamura acknowledged that his accomplishment was special%2C but said he was more interested in helping the Rollers win.%0A%0A%22Maybe one day I%27ll look back on this with more meaning%2C but right now I just want to go out tomorrow and put some good swings on the ball and help my club win another game%2C%22 Nakamura said.%0A%0AOn his historic day%2C he went 4-for-6 with 4 RBI and 1 run scored -- and also got a spot in the history books.%0A%0ASoshu Nakamura flied out in the 1st%2C hit a solo-shot off Tatsui Tanaka in the 3rd%2C singled in the 4th%2C hit a three-run double in the 5th%2C tripled in the 7th and flied out in the 9th.%0A%0ASo far this year Nakamura has 14 home runs and a .296 batting average.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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