Calrissian Designated Hitter M%EF%BF%BDrquez Injured: Santiago M%EF%BF%BDrquez expressed his disappointment when he learned that a quad strain would sideline him for 5 weeks. %22I%27ll just spend a lot of time in the training room and hopefully speed up the healing process. Nobody likes to be out of the line-up%2C%22 explained M%EF%BF%BDrquez. The designated hitter got hurt in today%27s game with the El Dorado Oilers. He was hurt running the bases. Team officials had no comment on his roster replacement.%0A%0AM%EF%BF%BDrquez has a .293 average and a .374 on-base percentage for the year. He has picked up 171 hits%2C 25 home runs and driven in 99 runs.%0A
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