Fall from Rooftop Results in Severe Injury to Pikes Player: Pikes first baseman Will Brown is in critical but stable condition today after falling from the roof of his house yesterday. According to team officials%2C Brown had been working on his roof with a friend when he apparently slipped and fell over the side of the two-story home. A hospital spokesman indicated that Brown landed on his back and had also sustained head trauma. His prognosis was unclear as of this morning%2C but he is reportedly awake and talking. %22We%27re all praying hard for him%22%2C said manager Kevin Hickey. %22Tragedies like this have a way of pulling people together and I know several of his teammates are there at the hospital with him.%22 One of those teammates%2C first baseman Javier Escobedo%2C spoke to reporters earlier today. %22 Will is a tough guy. I%27m confident he%27s gonna get through this and I know the entire Pikes organization and the people of Seattle are pulling for him right now.%22%0A
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