Irvin Sizzles with 20-Game Batting Streak: Michael Irvin%27s hitting string continues. The 17-year-old Dublin Jerome HS shortstop upped it to 20 games today with 4 hits in the Celtics 14-13 win over the Spanish Fork HS at Ballpark of Wildwood HS.%0AMichael Irvin hit a solo-shot off Beno%EF%BF%BDt Sauv%EF%BF%BD in the 1st%2C struck out in the 2nd%2C hit an RBI single in the 3rd%2C grounded out in the 4th%2C singled in the 5th%2C doubled in the 7th and flied out in the 9th.%0A%0APresently Irvin is batting .376 with 32 hits and 4 home runs. He has knocked in 18 runs and scored 19 times.%0A
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