Austin 5-for-5 Against Santa Monica: It was a parade of hits for Chris Austin of the San Jose Missions at Jackie Robinson Stadium today. %0A%0AConnecting with regularity%2C Austin finished the day with a total of 5 hits in 5 at-bats%2C but the Bruins rose to the occasion and rained on his parade with a 7-4 win.%0A%0A%22Austin was really good%2C we were just a little better%2C%22 said Bruins manager Jos%EF%BF%BD Vargas in the postgame interview. %22It%27s all right with me if he gets 5 hits every game against us%2C as long as we win.%22%0A%0AChris Austin singled in the 1st%2C doubled in the 3rd%2C doubled in the 5th%2C singled in the 8th and singled in the 9th. %0A%0ASo far in 2028 Austin is batting .286 with 5 home runs%2C 13 RBIs and 16 runs scored. He has 30 hits in 105 at-bats and a .395 OBP.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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