Hits Galore%3A Richard Drills 5 Hits: It%27s not something you read about in the sports pages every day -- a 5-for-5 day. It might come around only once in a career -- a lot of players never have one -- but Paul Richard got one today. He scattered hits all over Murray Bros. Memorial Park to pace Wisconsin Rapids to a 8-3 victory over Barry%27s Bay. The Barry%27s Bay skipper told reporters in the press room%2C %22Tip your hat to him. He hit some good pitches. According to the scouting report%2C Richard hit several that he is not supposed to hit.%22 Paul Richard singled in the 2nd%2C singled in the 5th%2C singled in the 7th%2C singled in the 8th and doubled in the 9th.%0A%0AThis season Richard is swinging the bat at a .294 rate with 53 hits in 180 at-bats. To date he has hit 2 home runs%2C scored 20 runs and driven in 18. %0A
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