Cede%EF%BF%BDo Terrific%2C Takes ITL Outstanding Hitter Award: He may have less experience than most of his International League peers%2C but that didn%27t slow Ant%EF%BF%BDnio Cede%EF%BF%BDo down at all in 2027.%0A%0AAt the age of 23%2C the Tuscaloosa first baseman has been named the winner of the International League Outstanding Hitter Award.%0A%0AHe had a .344 batting average and a .415 on-base percentage this year. In 129 games he piled up 181 hits%2C 20 doubles%2C 1 triple%2C 62 home runs%2C 168 RBIs and 121 runs scored.%0A%0A%22I%27m blown away by the season I was able to put together%2C%22 he said. %22I%27m looking forward to trying to do it all again next year.%22%0A%0AChris Bennis of the Havana Rollers finished second in voting%2C while Sean Nicks of the Richmond Flairs finished third.%0A
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