Takahashi Whacks 3 out of the Park for Indiana: Every now and then%2C the right things happen at the right time. Yoshihide Takahashi discovered that when he smashed three homers at County Stadium during today%27s 8-6 win over the Birmingham Barons.%0A%0AThe Indiana right fielder said in the postgame interview%2C %22I got three balls to hit and nailed all three of them. The first was a hanging curve%2C the second was right down the middle and the last one was a good pitch%2C but I guessed right and put the wood to it.%22%0A%0ATakahashi finished the day with 3 hits in 3 at-bats and 3 RBIs.%0A%0AYoshihide Takahashi hit a solo-shot off Jim Baker in the 5th%2C hit a solo-shot off Domingo Ort%EF%BF%BDz in the 7th and hit a solo-shot off Richard Simpson in the 9th.%0A%0AFor the season Takahashi is currently batting .431 with 8 home runs and 19 RBIs. In 28 games he has reached base at a .561 rate and scored 21 runs to date.%0A
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