Gonz%EF%BF%BDles Earns ITL Player of the Week: All week long Salvador Gonz%EF%BF%BDles made the highlight reels and made headlines -- his name and face were everywhere. So it was no surprise to anyone when he was chosen the International League%27s Player of the Week for his standout performance.%0A%0AGonz%EF%BF%BDles put up a solid set of stats%2C compiling a .444 average %2812-for-27%29 and contributing 4 home runs and 11 RBIs to claim the honor.%0A%0ACurrently Gonz%EF%BF%BDles is batting .351 with 201 hits and 31 home runs. He has knocked in 126 runs and scored 104 times.%0A
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