Premier A Won%3A Walleye On Top: Walla Walla Walleye reliever Bartolo Ru%EF%BF%BDz said celebrating a division championship never gets old.%0A%0A%22If this is what the outcome of every regular season was%2C I%27d be a pretty happy guy%2C%22 he said. %22It takes a lot of talent and determination to win a division like the Premier A.%22%0A%0AThe club%27s 58-34 record has allowed it to officially seal up the division title%2C for the 2nd time in franchise history.%0A%0AManager Arturo Ch%EF%BF%BDvez said it would be a %22pure joy and pleasure%22 to be able to bring the 2nd PL A Championship title to Walla Walla.%0A
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