Marrero Selected 3A Player of the Week: This week Mart%EF%BF%BDn Marrero%2C catcher for the Belleville Bulls%2C hit everything in sight to win the M3L Single A Player of the Week trophy.%0A%0AHe rattled fences and pitchers as he banged out a .409 average and .519 on-base percentage. Marrero logged 9 hits in 22 at-bats%2C 2 home runs%2C 8 RBIs%2C 4 walks and scored 5 times.%0A%0AMarrero is batting at a .281 pace this season%2C picking up 39 hits in 139 at-bats with 3 home runs%2C 24 RBIs and 18 runs scored. %0A
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