SAAA Names Outstanding Hitter Award Winner: The future looks extremely bright for %EF%BF%BDlex Burgos. At the age of 25%2C many players are still trying to find their way in USSL Triple A.%0A%0ABurgos has not only found his way%2C he%27s already established himself as one of the game%27s brightest stars%2C today being named the winner of the USSL Triple A Outstanding Hitter Award.%0A%0A%22I didn%27t expect to hit .310 this year%2C that%27s for sure%2C%22 the first baseman said.%0A%0AThe Hialeah Dodos start also put up a .426 on-base percentage this year%2C with 108 hits%2C 20 doubles%2C no triples%2C 15 home runs%2C 61 RBIs and 62 runs scored. %0A%0ASergio Mu%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDz of the Milton Dogfish Head finished second in voting%2C while Marlon Randall of the Jersey City Sun Caps finished third.%0A
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