PA%27s %231 Pitcher is Torres: The Outstanding Pitcher Award for 2022 has been presented and the USPL Single A winner is Luis Torres of South Beach.%0A%0A%22It%27s always nice to receive an award like this%2C%22 said Torres. %22I just hope I can improve on my performance next year and be in the running again%2C%22 the Blaze star told reporters.%0A%0ATorres excelled with an impressive 11-6 record in 19 starts. In 138.2 innings he yielded 113 hits and 43 walks%2C while striking out 157 and compiling a fine 2.08 ERA.%0A%0AGabriel Hern%EF%BF%BDndez of the Phoenix Hotspur U-21 finished second in voting%2C while Eugene Clarkston of the South Beach Blaze finished third.%0A
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