Premier Reliever Scores Best Hurler Honors: Sometimes fans are left scratching their heads when a reliever wins the Pitcher of the Year Award. After all%2C it is the most important pitching honor in the M3L Single A and one of the highest accolades in baseball.%0A%0ABut a reliever%3F Well%2C that just doesn%27t happen very often.%0A%0ABut it did this year%21%0A%0ADominic Parker proved to be the exception as the Kennesaw bullpen specialist crafted a 2.26 ERA and a 8-8 record in 151 innings over 20 games%2C posting no saves and 194 strikeouts on his way to outshining the league%27s best starters.%0A%0ARoberto Cant%EF%BF%BD of the Niagara Falls Expos finished second in voting%2C while Roberto Cabrera of the Columbia River Rats finished third.%0A
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