Glendale Shuts Out Seawolves%2C Troughton Winner: Jason Troughton effectively shut down the Seawolves today%2C blanking them 5-0 on 6 hits%2C ringing up 4 strikeouts and allowing 1 walk. The Herons pitcher appeared to get stronger as the game went on.%0A%0A%22I don%27t know if I was getting any stronger%2C%22 Troughton said after the game%2C %22I feel like my mechanics were getting better. I was able to make some adjustments and get a little more comfortable out there.%22%0A%0AThe Seawolves skipper said%2C %22We had some opportunities%2C but weren%27t able to execute. We just didn%27t swing the bats very well today.%22%0A%0ASo far this year Troughton has a 3-0 record with a 3.55 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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