Big Day with Bat%3A Guill%EF%BF%BDn 5-5: It was a good day for the Paynesville Pyramids as they dumped the Marmora Scramblers 14-6 at Scramblers Ballpark. Despite the loss it was a remarkable day for Scramblers Tom%EF%BF%BDs Guill%EF%BF%BDn%2C who went on quite a hitting spree with a 5-for-5 barrage. The Marmora third baseman told reporters afterward%2C %22I have mixed emotions about this game. Getting 5 hits is really something special%2C but losing the ballgame spoils it to a certain extent. It%27s sort of like the feeling you get when your mother-in-law drives over a cliff in your new sports car.%22 Quizzed by the press corps about his personal hitting theories%2C he responded%2C %22I don%27t have any buzz words. I%27m %27not dialed in%27 or %27in a zone%2C%27 as they say. As far as the hitting goes%2C I try to keep it simple ... try not to overthink it. I try not to look into it too much. Basically the pitcher throws the ball%2C I try to pick up the spin%2C then in a split-second decide to try to hit it. Today I picked up the spin very well.%22 Tom%EF%BF%BDs G%0Auill%EF%BF%BDn singled in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C hit a two-run single in the 5th%2C singled in the 7th and doubled in the 9th.%0A%0AThis season Guill%EF%BF%BDn is swinging the bat at a .255 rate with 39 hits in 153 at-bats. To date he has hit 3 home runs%2C scored 15 runs and driven in 11. %0A
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