Enr%EF%BF%BDquez Bangs Out 6 Base Hits: It was a big day with the bat for Alfonso Enr%EF%BF%BDquez of the York Revolution as he bashed out hit after hit after hit against Myrtle Beach. To the press after the ballgame he modestly said%2C %22Guys%2C it%27s just one game in a long season. I hit it hard and found some holes today... and Bingo%21 -- 6 hits in 9 tries%21 But my hits are not the big story in the game. We lost the game 6-4. That%27s the story. The Seahawks flat out beat us%21%22 At the end of the game Enr%EF%BF%BDquez had collected 6 hits in 9 at-bats and a small mention in the record book. He was happy for his big day with the bat%2C but not too happy with the outcome of the game. The beat writers were happy%2C too. They had their big story -- they could write about his big day with the bat. Alfonso Enr%EF%BF%BDquez singled in the 1st%2C singled in the 3rd%2C grounded out in the 6th%2C singled in the 7th%2C flied out in the 10th%2C struck out in the 12th%2C hit a solo-shot off Jim Unknown in the 15th%2C singled in the 17th%2C walked in%0A the 19th and singled in the 21st.%0A%0AThis season Enr%EF%BF%BDquez has hit at a .229 clip and produced 24 RBI%2C 6 home runs and 34 runs.%0A
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