No-Hit Masterpiece by Concepci%EF%BF%BDn: In a dominant outing%2C Norberto Concepci%EF%BF%BDn of Atlantic City totally silenced the bats of the Casper Ghosts. In the 4-0 victory he faced only 31 batters%2C surrendered no hits%2C had 6 strikeouts and 5 walks.%0A%0A%22I%27ll be very honest with you%2C%22 his manager said. %22I didn%27t know the situation was what it was until the seventh inning. I happened to look up there to see how many hits we had. Then I happened to notice that they didn%27t have any hits.%22%0A%0ACommenting on his defeat%2C the losing manager told reporters in the clubhouse how he saw the game%2C %22Well%2C it was pretty simple today%2C the Sonics had all the hits and all the runs. And Concepci%EF%BF%BDn pitched a heck of a ballgame.%22%0A%0AIn 21 starts this season%2C Concepci%EF%BF%BDn has recorded 8 wins and absorbed 8 losses. He has pitched 131.1 innings%2C allowed 121 hits%2C struck out 112 and has a 3.70 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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