Watanabe and Garc%EF%BF%BDa Suspended 9 Games: Gryfindor%27s Ken Watanabe and Augusta%27s Francisco Garc%EF%BF%BDa have been handed 9-game suspensions for their parts in yesterday%27s upheaval at Cayuse Ballpark. The teams were notified today that the suspensions would go into effect immediately. According to the league commissioner Watanabe and Garc%EF%BF%BDa provoked and incited the brawl and bore the blame for what transpired.%0A%0AThis year Watanabe has 6 home runs and a .308 batting average.%0A%0AThis year Garc%EF%BF%BDa has earned no saves%2C worked 9.1 innings%2C fanned 11 hitters and recorded a 1.93 ERA. He has also put up a 0-0 won-lost mark.%0A
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