Player Development Update: Good morning Kerry%2C%0A%0AThe latest scouting reports have been published by Brit Thompson and your player development report is now updated as well. Here is a list of notable changes%3A%0A%0AMR Tom Price%2C Age 33%2C Buckhead Bowties%3A%0A- Potential stuff rating drops from 6 to 5.%0A- Overall and potential ratings drop from 3.5 to 3.0 stars. %28As MR%29%0A%0A2B Wilber Moon%2C Age 29%2C Buckhead Bowties%3A%0A%2B Current and potential power ratings improve from 4 to 5.%0A- Current defensive rating at Second Base drops from 9 to 8.%0A- Potential rating drops from 4.0 to 3.0 stars. %28As 2B%29%0A%0ASS John Hill%2C Age 36%2C Buckhead Bowties%3A%0A- Current contact rating drops from 8 to 7.%0A- Current defensive rating at Shortstop drops from 4 to 3.%0A%0ASP Chester Henry%2C Age 19%2C Bay City Bombers %28Triple A%29%3A%0A%2B Current stuff rating improves from 4 to 5.%0A%2B Current control rating improves from 2 to 3.%0A%2B Overall rating improves from 1.0 to 2.5 stars. %28As SP%29%0A%0AMR Milton Anderson%2C Age 27%2C Huntington Beach Surf %28Double A%29%3A%0A- Current control rating drops from 5 to 4.%0A- Overall and potential ratings drop from 2.5 to 2.0 stars. %28As MR%29%0A%0AMR Chip Scott%2C Age 22%2C Huntington Beach Surf %28Double A%29%3A%0A%2B Current control rating improves from 4 to 5.%0A- Potential rating drops from 3.5 to 3.0 stars. %28As SP%29%0A%0ARF Sinclair van Kooten%2C Age 25%2C Huntington Beach Surf %28Double A%29%3A%0A%2B Current and potential contact ratings improve from 4 to 5.%0A%2B Current eye rating improves from 4 to 5.%0A- Current defensive rating at Right Field drops from 9 to 8.%0A%2B Overall rating improves from 1.0 to 3.0 stars. %28As RF%29%0A%2B Potential rating improves from 3.0 to 3.5 stars. %28As RF%29%0A%0A
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