Cunnick Shuts out Buzz: Brad Cunnick put a hex on Salt Lake City in a sparkling 9-0 shutout performance%2C mesmerizing them on a 4-hit gem.%0A%0A%22I feel good physically%2C%22 he said. %22Everything%27s comfortable. You should pitch well when that%27s the case.%22%0A%0AIt was anything but comfortable for Salt Lake City.%0A%0A%22Cunnick used his changeup very well%2C very effectively%2C%22 the opposing manager said. %22He threw it in hitter%27s counts.%22%0A%0AThe Ellenburg Fighting Dachsunds hurler fanned 9 and walked 5.%0A%0AThis year Cunnick has compiled a 8-6 mark with a 3.67 ERA. %0A
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