Lozano Raps Vancouver for 5 Hits: 5 hits in a game doesn%27t happen every day. Chicago%27s Jos%EF%BF%BD Lozano had a very special day against the Grey Wolves when everything came together for him and he did just that -- collected 5 hits in 5 at-bats -- and led the Chicago Hawks to a 8-2 win at Hawks Ballpark. %22I%27m just out there to try and help the team win%2C%22 Lozano said after the game%2C %22I had some real good at-bats today. I made good%2C solid contact and luckily no one caught %27em.%22 Jos%EF%BF%BD Lozano singled in the 1st%2C singled in the 3rd%2C doubled in the 4th%2C singled in the 6th and singled in the 8th.%0A%0ASo far this year Lozano is hitting .253 with 1 home run.%0A
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