Garza Brilliant%2C Blanks ParksNRec: %22That%27s one thing that has never changed in this game -- pitching can control hitting%2C%22 the Swords manager told reporters after today%27s game. The ParksNRec ran into a buzzsaw as Sergio Garza cut them down to size 4-0 with a 5-hit shutout.%0A%0AHis skipper added%2C %22He knows exactly what he%27s doing. He%27s not going to throw you a good pitch until you make him throw one.%22 In the complete game whitewash the Viola hurler doled out 4 walks and registered 1 strikeout.%0A%0AIn the postgame press conference his catcher said%2C %22Sergio goes out there and just goes about his business. I don%27t think he gets too concerned about what%27s going on. You can call any pitch and you know where he%27s going to be.%22%0A%0AGarza also got some praise from the Pawnee manager. %22He really kept us in check today. Everything looked to be moving. Seemed like the pitch was right down the middle and it went over down and away... we took some pathetic swings.%22%0A%0AChecking out his season stats to date%2C Garza has no saves in 4 relief appearances with a 1-1 record and 5.06 ERA.%0A
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