Hamilton Magnificent in Athletic Club KC Academy Win: %22Jason Hamilton is really a good pitcher when he throws strikes early in the count%2C%22 said his manager after the Athletic Club KC Academy hurler tossed a complete game 5-hit shutout against the Richland Rails.%0A%0A%22I went right after each hitter%2C trying to get ahead in the count%2C%22 said Hamilton. %22I wanted them to swing the bats and keep my pitch count down. It worked. I felt strong the whole game%2C even in the last two innings.%22%0A%0AHamilton walked 1 and struck out 5 in the 6-0 victory.%0A%0AHis record for the year is 12-5 in 19 starts and Hamilton has a 2.33 ERA.%0A
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