Caballero 5-5 for Mermen: %22It was like I was hitting little league pitching%2C%22 said Jos%EF%BF%BD Caballero after his 5-hit performance against the Pyramids. %22No offense meant to Paynesville%2C but it was like I was back in little league again. I could see the ball that well. But this wasn%27t a kid league park%2C it was Tennille Grounds.%22 The Myrtle Beach shortstop had a fantastic day at the plate%2C knocking out 5 hits in 5 at-bats and pacing his club to a 13-1 victory. His manager elaborated after the game to the press%2C saying%2C %22Jos%EF%BF%BD worked the entire offseason on trying to shorten his swing and stay inside the ball and the hard work is paying off in base hits.%22 %22That%27s what I%27m trying to do%2C%22 Caballero said. %22Be quick to the ball and let it travel a little farther so I get a better look at it.%22 Jos%EF%BF%BD Caballero hit a solo-shot off Karl Schultz in the 1st%2C doubled in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C doubled in the 7th and doubled in the 8th.%0A%0ACaballero is hitting .262 so far this season with 23 RBIs and 49 runs scored. He has 99 hits including 4 home runs%2C 14 walks and .296 OBP. %0A
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