Hotspur Blanked by Pittman: %22It was just one of those games%2C when everything went right. I threw a lot of strikes%2C%22 Alec Pittman said. %22And the pitches they did get to hit%2C they didn%27t do anything with them.%22%0A%0AThe Louisville BC pitcher really got it done in his 2-0 shutout victory over the Phoenix Hotspur%2C shutting them down on 4 hits. Pittman issued 2 walks and had 8 strikeouts.%0A%0ASo far in 19 appearances this season%2C Pittman has recorded 9 wins and sustained 9 losses. He has pitched 138.2 innings%2C yielded 143 hits%2C fanned 121 and has a 3.70 ERA.%0A
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