Reynolds Pitches Shutout: %22I hope we miss him next time%2C%22 the Las Vegas manager said. %22Reynolds certainly pitched a strong game against us today. He was in a groove%2C throwing everything for strikes. Throwing hard. Changing speeds.%22%0A%0AChicago starter Jeff Reynolds tamed the Las Vegas Flamingos 4-0 with a 5-hit shutout%2C finishing the game with 4 strikeouts and 1 walk in a sharp outing.%0A%0A%22I enjoy facing a team like that where I can get an out on one%2C two or three pitches%2C%22 Reynolds said. %22It gives me a chance to be a lot more aggressive.%22%0A%0AThis year Reynolds has posted a 8-7 mark in 18 starts and has a 3.45 ERA.%0A
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