Bakersfield%2C Tucson Confirm Swap: It likely won%27t turn either team into an instant contender or provide a huge franchise shakeup%2C but the Bakersfield Blaze and Tucson Sidewinders finalized a trade today. Bakersfield will send 26-year old minor league C Ned Yost and 24-year old minor league CF Fred M Lewis to the Sidewinders%2C while the Blaze will receive 29-year old minor league LHP Ray Sadecki.%0A%0A%22We think this is a deal that will help out both teams and we%27re glad to get it done%2C%22 Blaze general manager Brandon Jackson said.%0A%0AThe trade is expected to be officially completed later today with the players joining their new ballclubs by the end of the day.%0A%0A%0ALooking at his present stats%2C Yost has compiled a .107 batting average in 7 games with a .194 on-base percentage%2C while hitting 1 home run and driving in 2 runs.%0A
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