Herrera Tags Purple Aces for 5 Hits: Juan Herrera did a number on the Purple Aces in the Tennessee 21-15 victory today%2C and the number was 5. The Volunteers left fielder banged out 5 hits in 5 at-bats at Clippers Ballpark to lead his club past the Evansville Purple Aces.%0A%0A%22I felt good in the batter%27s box today%2C%22 he said later. %22I had confidence in my swing and knew that it was there and that I could get the job done.%22%0A%0AJuan Herrera hit a three-run home run off Josh Engebretson in the 2nd%2C walked in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C hit an RBI double in the 5th%2C singled in the 7th and hit a two-run home run off Jim Unknown in the 9th.%0A%0ASo far this year Herrera is hitting .347 with 8 home runs.
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