Bullock and Praml Suspended 5 Games for Brawl: You would have thought you were at a hockey game yesterday at Champion Stadium. A free-for-all broke out when Christian Bullock of Atlanta %28GCL%29 and Jeffrey Praml of Tampa Bay %28GCL%29 rushed one another on the field and had to be restrained by umpires and teammates. Few blows landed%2C but it was enough for them to be ejected from the game.%0A%0AToday both teams received notification from the league office that the two players would be suspended for 5 games.%0A%0ATo date this year Bullock is batting .216 with 1 home run. %0A%0AThis season Praml has notched 4 saves. In 5 relief appearances%2C he has 2 strikeouts in 3.2 innings with a 7.36 ERA. His season won-lost mark is 0-0.%0A
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