Ugly Incident Ends in 3-Game Suspension: There was a hostile encounter between Jhonson Pena and the men in blue in yesterday%27s Bristol-Johnson City game. The Pirates shortstop was tossed for arguing a called third strike. Actually he did a little more than just complain about the call -- he got in the umpire%27s face and had to be restrained by his manager.%0A%0A%22I don%27t think I did anything to deserve to be thrown out of the game in the first place%2C never mind be suspended%2C%22 Pena stated. %22That%27s unbelievable. I still don%27t know why he threw me out of the game. I didn%27t charge over there until after he gave me the heave-ho.%22%0A%0AThe league office did not agree with his assessment of the confrontation and suspended Pena for 3 games.%0A%0AIn his season totals%2C Pena has 1 home run%2C .429 BA%2C .500 OBP%2C 3 RBIs and 2 runs scored. He has played in 5 games.%0A
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