Perkins Clips Drillers for Cycle: It was a special day for Blake Perkins at Arvest Ballpark -- the Northwest Arkansas Naturals center fielder hit for the cycle%2C getting every type of hit possible.%0A%0AThe 23-year-old Perkins racked up 2 singles%2C 1 double%2C 1 triple and 1 home run to get his name in the history books. It was all for naught%2C however%2C as the Naturals didn%27t win the ballgame%2C dropping the decision to the Tulsa Drillers%2C 9-6.%0A%0A%22He hit everything we threw%2C%22 said Tulsa manager Scott Hennessey. %22There was just no getting him out today.%22%0A%0AFor the game%2C he was 5-for-5 with 3 runs batted in and 2 runs scored.%0A%0A%22I%27m glad for Blake%2C%22 Northwest Arkansas manager Scott Thorman said. %22It%27s a once-in-a-lifetime thing and a nice feather in his cap. Would%27ve been better if we could have won the game for him%2C too.%22%0A%0ASpeaking to the press after the game%2C Perkins said the key for his record-setting day was %22just getting some good pitches to hit.%22%0A%0ABlake Perkins singled in the 2nd%2C tripled in the 4th%2C hit a two-run double in the 5th%2C hit a solo-shot off Leo Crawford in the 7th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0AIn 55 games this season Perkins has compiled a .242 batting average with 50 hits and 4 home runs. He has also scored 24 times and knocked in 20 runs.%0A
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