Free-for-All Costs Busch and Altamirano 3-Game Suspensions: Hot tempers flared and a few punches were thrown at the Tulsa and Midland game yesterday and ended up with two players ejected. Michael Busch of the Drillers and Xavier Altamirano of the RockHounds have now been reprimanded and issued 3-game suspensions by the league commissioner for their parts in the fracas.%0A%0AThis year Busch is hitting .161 with 10 hits%2C 1 home run%2C 7 RBIs and has scored 7 runs.%0A%0AThis season Altamirano has made 13 relief appearances with no saves. In 52.1 innings he has fanned 38 hitters and recorded 1 win and 1 loss with a 5.33 ERA.%0A
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