Satzinger Twirls 4-0 Shutout: The bats were ice cold today for the Newark Black Sox at Addison Grounds. Utica Blue Jays starter Jeff Satzinger kept the Black Sox cold all day%2C shutting them out in a 4-0 victory. In a fine outing%2C the 17-year-old hurler allowed 5 hits while striking out 11 and walking 2.%0A%0A%22I%27m not quite sure what was different today%2C%22 Satzinger admitted later. %22I didn%27t feel like I was doing anything differently%2C but the results speak for themselves.%22%0A%0AThis year in 9 starts%2C Satzinger has recorded 2 wins and absorbed 4 losses. He has pitched 68.2 innings%2C allowed 60 hits%2C struck out 61 and has a 3.28 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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