Bozeman Crowned Champions: The Bozeman Pheasants are champions%2C today and forever. The Pheasants topped the Williston Water Wolves 11-0 at Ballpark of Pheasant Springs today to claim the Round 2 crown.%0A%0A%22Nobody can take this away from us%2C not ever%2C%22 said series MVP and center fielder Willie Picchioni after his club had sealed the victory. %22We worked hard and we accomplished our goal.%22%0A%0AThe atmosphere was electric as the newly-crowned champs stormed the field at the conclusion of the game. Fans cheered%2C gloves flew in the air%2C high fives and hugs were the order of the day.%0A%0A%22From day one of spring training%2C I could see it in their eyes%2C%22 said Bozeman manager . %22The players had that look of intensity%2C of hunger%2C of a desire to accomplish something great%2C and today they did that. They%27re champions of the world.%22%0A%0AThe Pheasants took the series 4-1. The new titleholders completed the regular season with a second-place finish in the Pioneer League Spring Division and a 50-21 record.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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